困擾+1 ,google 上找不到解決方法翻譯求神解。
Make sure that Message Format is set to "Plain Text".
是利用OSX郵件介接Exchange 在收發郵件
Make sure that Message Format is set to "Plain Text".
是利用OSX郵件介接Exchange 在收發郵件
The ATT00001 attachments issue occurs if MS Outlook is integrated with a virus scanner. Therefore, a user first installs the integration of the virus scanner with Outlook and then opens the emails.

The ATT00001 attachments issue occurs if MS Outlook is integrated with a virus scanner. Therefore, a user first installs the integration of the virus scanner with Outlook and then opens the emails.
請服用 Universal Mailer翻譯社 即可解決...
參考 Apple Mail的部門
附加多個檔案也會有 多個ATT0000X.txt 附加檔案
apple mail 的程式是把附檔插在郵件內容裡面,
Below are some tricks翻譯社 which can help the user to solve this issue:
而universalmailer 怎麼解決, 我在網站上看不到翻譯社 但我想應該是把郵件從頭編排格局, 去避掉這個問題
附加多個檔案也會有 多個ATT0000X.txt 附加檔案

apple mail 的程式是把附檔插在郵件內容裡面,
Below are some tricks翻譯社 which can help the user to solve this issue:
而universalmailer 怎麼解決, 我在網站上看不到翻譯社 但我想應該是把郵件從頭編排格局, 去避掉這個問題
pei-99 wrote:
Always Send Windows-Friendly Attachments
Use the menu Mail > Preferences and go to the Composing section
因為exchange server ,認為文字檔必然會在郵件內容的前面,而附檔在郵件內容的最後,
Import Address Book Into Outlook
這篇仿佛是網路上今朝唯一可以找得到的文章每次寄郵件時只要有附加檔案有會呈現另外一個 ATT00001.txt 檔案
所以翻譯公司可以嘗嘗翻譯社 是否郵件有夾檔, 圖片, 圖片簽名檔時才會發生這個問題
防毒軟體先移除,重新開機,依然一樣嗎?這個原因 之前樓上有大大應該有貼過貫穿連接
所以exchange server會把附檔檔以下的文字改用ATT00001.txt檔的體例顯現
困擾+1 ,goog...(恕刪)
領會, 原來是格式的問題啊..感謝大大答複囉!
發郵件給客戶附加多個檔案都邑出現等數量個ATT0000X.txt 檔案,有點困擾...
Make sure the following settings are checked:
Users can import the contact list in Outlook and can assign manually which user’s emails won’t suffer from the ATT00001.txt file issue.文章出自:有關各國語文翻譯公證的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯公司02-77260931