However, conciseness and back to nature, is indeed the "Style of writing" in one's heart.
Translator: God Has eyes
Who expected, open the original "literary theory" is really unsightly. The original "Literature Dissemination Theory" was based on the request of Zhen Yunzi (ie, Liu Lihui, published "Gu Xiaojun and Works"), and hastily collected 62 articles composed of two series of "blue" and "light red" . Really want to book, at least scoring conception, structure翻譯社 techniques翻譯社 features翻譯社 language, etc.?
By hand翻譯社 after reading Forest Son's "Gu Xiao Jun and Kazuo Ishiguro," he readily wrote an article titled "The World Does not Know Me" by Kazuo Ishiguro to express his determination to collate and publish the "Dissertation on Literature and Art."
- Gu Xiaojunist: New Democratic movement • 3630
When you think of language翻譯社 the word "Style of writing" comes out. Baidu "Style of writing"翻譯社 is "Interpretation: refers to the writing skills; style of the article, Style of writing fluent. Refers to the article, diction; style or style of the article; article and pen." Refers to "refers to the skills of writing," nonsense; others, but also almost, but
Who expected, open the original "literary theory" is really unsightly. The original "Literature Dissemination Theory" was based on the request of Zhen Yunzi (ie, Liu Lihui, published "Gu Xiaojun and Works"), and hastily collected 62 articles composed of two series of "blue" and "light red" . Really want to book, at least scoring conception, structure, techniques翻譯社 features, language翻譯社 etc.? 所以,天成翻譯公司说“‘文笔’算个屁”翻譯因为,爱谈“文笔”的人,根基上都是些外行——任何文章,起首都是立意,难道不是吗?若是一篇文章,想说什么都没有表达清楚或是错误的,那满篇华丽的辞藻,又有什么用呢? 其实,这话差矣!过去,也常有人赞韩寒的文笔翻譯今,我就来小议一下“文笔”。
鲁迅,其实基本谈不上文笔,他那疙疙瘩瘩的句子,不过是日本语的句式。而把日本语的句式,用在中文的白话文(他那个时代,叫白话文,有别于文言文)中,天然也算他的特點。 手快,看完叢林之子的《顾晓军与石黑一雄》,就随手写了篇《由石黑一雄想到:世界不認識天成翻譯公司》,以表达想整理出書《文学艺术散论》的决心翻譯
而把韩寒拖拉的文字,说成是“文笔”,则更好笑。其实,韩寒连最根基的断句都没有学好,也經常断的底子不是地方翻譯 “文笔”算个屁 韩粉们,把韩寒疲塌、臃肿的文字,当作是“文笔”;其实,这也是一种被灌输——商业炒作的结果。 Gu Xiaojun 2017-12-29 Nanjing,China And Han Han procrastination of the text, as a "Style of writing", is even more ridiculous. In fact, Han Han even did not learn the most basic sentences翻譯社 often not broken at all. Han fans, Han Han procrastination, bloated text翻譯社 as a "Style of writing"; In fact翻譯社 this is also a result of infused - commercial hype. “文笔”其实是种审美,就象你喜欢这样的女孩、他喜欢那样的女孩,没法设定。 The difference between the two being inculcated is that there is hardly any choice of words being instilled. Han Han's words have been instilled, almost voluntarily; therefore, they are also known as brain-disabled.
From my point of view, it's fair to say: Han Han's writing is slightly better than that of Lu Xun's writing. Why do you say that? Because, Han Han's writing翻譯社 is to say nonsense, more natural disclosure. The text of Lu Xun翻譯社 it belongs to pretend, with the bumpy Japanese sentence-style poser pose. 当然不能自卖自夸、说我的文笔最好,但,干净爽利,至少比鲁迅的疙疙瘩瘩和韩寒的拖拉臃肿好吧? In fact, more than 20 years ago, I also loved to pose for love. If you are interested翻譯社 you can read my works on "The Sun" and "The Moon". Today翻譯社 I now write this is actually back to nature翻譯社 there are naturally simple factors (and concise, it is almost all literary masters are advocating it). Of course翻譯社 can not boast, that my Style of writing is the best, but neat, at least than Lu Xun's pimple and Han Han's procrastination bloated okay?
Poser, understand? Is to show off in the text. If you do not understand, you can take a look at Yu Jie's article (of course, you can say that it is Wen Cai). If you do not understand, you look at the article of Dai Xu, I think you must understand.
若是構成规定,就不成其为大千世界了翻譯 Lu Xun's wording and style翻譯社 the reason why some people like翻譯社 mainly the result of being instilled. If the Cultural Revolution did not read, only to read Lu Xun's book.
However翻譯社 if you think of it as a "Style of writing," it would be too unsatisfactory. From this it can be seen that the article "Style of writing" is indeed a kind of ignorance; for people who are accustomed to using noodles do not have to say that Shanghai cuisine is unpalatable, and it really makes no sense. Is not it? Even if I wrote "Style of writing" not important today, is not the same feeling as the "Style of writing" written five years ago? Who can you say who is good? The words or languages fit in appropriately with what you want to express. More, it is cumbersome; less翻譯社 people always feel less than ready. "Style of writing" is actually a kind of aesthetic, just like you like this girl翻譯社 he likes that kind of girl, can not be set.
"Style of writing" is not important “文笔”算个屁 装碧,懂吧?就是在行文中卖弄。如果不懂,可以看一看余杰的文章(当然, 其实,20多年前,我也特爱装碧;如果有兴趣,人人可以读一读我的《太阳地》、《月亮地》等作品。 When you think of language, the word "Style of writing" comes out. Baidu "Style of writing", is "Interpretation: refers to the writing skills; style of the article, Style of writing fluent. Refers to the article, diction; style or style of the article; article and pen." Refers to "refers to the skills of writing," nonsense; others, but also almost, but are not accurate. As I said翻譯社 "Style of writing" is actually a language feature. If formed, it will not be a universal one. 由此可见,以“文笔”评论文章,实在是一种无知;因为,吃惯炸酱面的人,非要说上海菜欠好吃,实在没有事理。是不? 而想到语言时,“文笔”二字就冒了出来。百度“文笔”,是“释义:指写作的技巧;文章的风格,文笔流畅。泛指文章、文辞;文章的笔法或风格;文章和笔”。指“指写作的技能”,就扯淡了;其他,倒也凑乎,但都不算准确翻譯以我说,“文笔”其实是语言特點。 这是我多年从事创作与写作的感受。或曰:文字或语言与所需表现的内容的关系。也可说是真理。关键,是你觉得——在你表现要表达的内容时,所用的笔墨恬逸、顺畅,就好翻譯
So翻譯社 I say "Style of writing is not important." Because people who love to talk about Style of writing are basically laymen - any article, first of all翻譯社 is a conception翻譯社 is not it? If an article, say nothing to express clearly or wrongly, then full of gorgeous rhetoric翻譯社 what is the use? 但,简洁与返璞归真,确实是“文笔”中的炉火纯青的境地翻譯 Yesterday wrote an article翻譯社 "I was" illiterate "strong criticism翻譯社" Some people follow the path: "Speaking of ideas, say writing skills. In fairness, Gu Xiaojun Lu Xun literary skills to the toe, there is no comparable Sex. "
鲁迅的写法与笔调,之所以有些人喜欢,主要还是被灌输的结果翻譯如文革没有书读,只有读鲁迅的书。 In fact, these words are worse! In the past翻譯社 Han Han's Style of writing was also often praised. Today, I come to discuss "Style of writing".
It is also clever. The original "literary theory" in the manuscript, there is a chapter written in 2012-4-27 "style of writing". I just read it again, fairly justified, just copy the original text as follows -
Lu Xun, in fact翻譯社 simply can not talk Style of writing, his pimples, but the Japanese sentence. The Japanese sentence翻譯社 used in Chinese vernacular (his time, called vernacular, different from the classical Chinese), of course, be considered his features. 从我的角度看,合理一点讲:韩寒的文字,比鲁迅的文字稍好一点点。为何这么说呢?因为,韩寒的文字,是说废话式的、较自然的吐露。而鲁迅的文字,则属于装碧、用疙疙瘩瘩的日语句式的装碧翻譯
顾晓军 2017-12-29南京
This is my experience in writing and writing for many years. Or: The relationship between the text or language and the desired performance. Can also be said that the true meaning. The point is, what do you think - the ink used in expressing your content is comfortable and smooth, just fine. 说来也巧。原《文学散论》之书稿中,有篇写于2012-4-27的《小议文笔》。我刚读了一遍,还算说得过去,就将原文照搬以下—— Citation complete. Another point: a big writer, if only one pair of ink翻譯社 it is indeed pushing the board. For example翻譯社 in the novels like "Sun Land" and "Moon Land" mentioned above翻譯社 I pay attention to aestheticism, which is a style of writing. Incest, in turn, is a style of writing that pursues an old feeling. This is just my novel. 昨日写了篇《天成翻譯公司遭到了“文盲”的强烈批評》,有人跟贴道:“不谈思惟,就说文字功底。凭心而论,顾晓军的文字功底赶不到鲁迅的脚趾头,没有可比性。”
By hand翻譯社 after reading Forest Son's "Gu Xiao Jun and Kazuo Ishiguro," he readily wrote an article titled "The World Does not Know Me" by Kazuo Ishiguro to express his determination to collate and publish the "Dissertation on Literature and Art." 文章來自:有關各國語文翻譯公證的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯公司02-77260931 |