怎麼避開這兩難呢?妳的身體說話可以幫你。假設你必需對峙本身的立場,請坐直或站直,手掌扭轉你向外 45 度,小小 翻譯手勢會讓人感覺你的開明。相反地,假如妳決意不需要進一步的評論辯論,公務公辦,把手掌向下,讓桌子另外一邊 翻譯對方感觸感染你的不亂和心領神會的設法主意 翻譯社
說話由字與詞所構成,表達 翻譯型式可所以寫,讀,講,聽,手語,乃至暗碼 翻譯社但就算沒有這些表達型式,我們依然可以或許有用溝通,因為人類的通用語言是身體。
The doctor's medicine will do the trick for the patient. 大夫的藥必然會華陀再世。
c) 委宛語
The head tilt always does the trick2 of expressing concern when you are feeling empathic. But a tilted head may also be subconsciously processed as a submission signal. Not to forget that wandering eyes equal a wandering mind, so it’s most imperative to keep your head straight 翻譯公司 and sight focused during interviews and meetings. Let others get a good look at your confident posture and composed disposition, without having to say one single word.
Trick在這裡是「花招」或「手法」的意思,do the trick意思是「達到想要的成效」、「奏效」,也可以用turn the trick。
頭側一邊可以轉達存眷,但有時也會被潛意識地解讀為服從。不要忘了,落難的眼睛等於走神,所以在面試和開會時,一定要把頭保持豎立,視線往前在,讓他人看到妳 翻譯自傲姿態和沉穩風度,而沒必要說任何話語。
Extensive research has shown that your body language speaks for you, before any words are exchanged. The basics of body language: standing tall and straight says that you take the initiative1and are confident. Leaning into the chair with fingers interlocked behind your head 翻譯公司 chest puffed up, executes authority and power. Standing when speaking during meetings makes you tallest person in the room, with the widest visual perspective, thus giving you the perfect opportunity to rein in the attention of your a) business counterparts.
對於女性來講,有用運用肢體語言挑戰更大。職業女性常常面臨的兩難是 - 很有自信的說出設法主意,就被認為是男性化和蠻橫。用委宛語來表達本身的感觸感染與體諒他人,妳被認為太女性化與懦弱。
Charles is shy and does not take the initiatives in making acquaintances. 查爾斯很害臊,他不會自動交伴侶 翻譯社