Practice 8
1-5 d b c a d
6-10 a b c d c
11-15 d b b a d
16-20 b c b a d
21-22 a c
Practice 21
1. to
2. from…for
3. to…at
4. to
5. of
6. from…for
7. for…with…to
1-5 g i c j b
6-10 h a f e d
1. to
2. for
3. for
4. of
5. for…for
6. for
7. to…from
8. to / with
9. about…in
10. of / about
Preposition Combinations 介係詞與其他詞性的搭配
Practice 15
Practice 14
Practice 9
Practice 18
Practice 20
1-5 b f j e c
6-10 i a h d g
Practice 12
1. to
2. to
3. to
4. with
5. for
6. about
7. of
8. about
9. from
10. with
11. about
12. of
Practice 11
Practice 2
Practice 5
Practice 22
1. on
2. from
3. about
4. for
5. about
6. from
7. to / with…about
8. to
9. by
10. from
11. by
12. to
13. about
14. from
1. of…for…of / about…with…with…of…in…to
2. about…about…of…of…of…about…for…for
1. for
2. from
3. for
4. on
5. with
6. in
7. at
8. to
9. with
10. of
11. to
12. to…about
13. with…about
14. to…about
1. with
2. to
3. from
4. about
5. to
6. about / of
7. at
8. for
9. for
10. for
11. about
12. to
13. about / of
14. like
15. for
16. at
1. to…for
2. for
3. of
4. for
5. on
6. for
7. on
8. to / with
9. from
10. on
11. of
12. of
13. to
14. from
15. of / from
1. about
2. from
3. of
4. to
5. to
6. from
7. with
8. with
9. for…at
10. with…about…to…to…about
Practice 6
1. from
2. with
3. to
4. at
5. in
6. at
7. for
8. with…about / over
9. with
10. for
11. for
Practice 3
1. on
2. about
3. with
4. from
5. from
6. to…for
7. of
8. to
9. from
10. to
11. to
12. for
13. from
14. on
15. on
16. of
17. about
1. a b
2. a
3. a b
4. b
5. a b
6. a b
7. a
8. b
Practice 17